Are you behind on filing? Do you have so much tax debt that you need help? Are you getting letters from the IRS and don’t know where to begin?
Leite & Surfer Tax - Bookkeeping can help with the IRS and the State to get you in compliance. These services may include preparation which is making sure all tax returns are filed and representation.
If all your returns are filed and you have outstanding tax debt, Leite & Surfer Tax - Bookkeeping can help with the many different representation options: installment agreements, partial pay installment agreement, OIC (Offer in Compromise) and CNC (Non-Collectable Status) are a few examples. Let us be your voice with the revenue officers and get your debt settled.
Leite & Surfer Tax - Bookkeeping can review your tax returns and help you to understand any IRS notice you may have received. We do not have to be the one who prepared the return, but we can fix the issues.