Tax Preparation (Small Business and Individual)
As a business owner, you face a seemingly endless list of tax reporting responsibilities; this may include federal, state and local taxes. Your corporate and personal income tax may also include payroll, payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, sales tax, meals tax and litter tax. There is also the additional responsibility to file estimated taxes, extensions and respond to government notices. You can rely on Leite & Surfer Tax - Bookkeeping to make sure all the proper forms and tax payments are accurately prepared and completed on-time, relieving you of the time and stress of keeping up with the numerous tax law changes and deadlines.
As an individual, you also face a confusing and complex range of rules and regulations of filing your own tax return. You can rely on us to keep up with the numerous tax law changes and deadlines. Leite & Surfer Tax - Bookkeeping will prepare and file an accurate tax return and explain your tax liabilities.
Leite & Surfer Tax - Bookkeeping are IRS registered and provide electronic filing for federal and all state tax returns.